
piątek, 5 sierpnia 2016

610. Drugie życie... słoika

Ten słoik... tzn. projekt ;) chodził za mną od jakiegoś czasu.
Zabawa z mediami wciąga niesamowicie, a że eksperymenty leżą w mojej naturze, 
więc postanowiłam nadać drugie życie mojemu słoikowi na pędzelki :)

Mam nadzieję, że pędzelkom podoba się nowe mieszkanko ;)

Pracę zgłaszam na wyzwanie do
Scrap Afrika
skrzydłami, kolorem, naczyniem :)

Rhedd's Creative Spirit
August Anything Goes

Altered Eclectics 
Anything Goes

16 komentarzy:

  1. Świetny słoik :) nie wiem jak Twoje pędzelki ale moje patrzą z zazdrością na takie mieszkanko :)

  2. what a beautiful way to store your paintbrushes - i would be frightened to get it all mucky but then again i am a messy crafter lol. Gorgeous hun - Thank you for sharing with us over at Rhedd's Creative Spirit this month and hope to see you again in future challenges.

    Handcrafted by Ellapu
    Mother Hen for Altered Eclectics
    Mother Hen for Eclectic Ellapu
    DT Rhedd's Creative Spirit

  3. Hello Agnieszka, thanks for joining us at Srap Africa....Your brush-holder-jar is fantastic !! I love the combination from flowers, pearls and twine...and your colouring is amazing !!Hope you join us in September as well !! Have a nice day..

  4. A gorgeous project! Love the colours and the texture. Thank you for joining us at Altered Eclectics this month, Jane (DT) :) X

  5. Absolutely amazing... Real recycling and art were married here!! Thanks for joining Scrap Africa...

  6. Absolutely amazing... Real recycling and art were married here!! Thanks for joining Scrap Africa...

  7. This is stunning; love the color purple! Thank you for sharing with us at Rhedd's Creative Spirit this month, Nan. DT

  8. I imagine you get inspired every time you reach for a paintbrush when they are stored is such a wonderful container. Thank for joining in with Rhedd's Creative Spirit this month.

  9. normalnie...chyba tez sobie takowy zmaluję! :-D

  10. stunning....a gorgeous new brush holder! ;-) Love all the mixed media work! ;-) Thanks so much for playing along with us at Scrap Africa! ;-)

  11. beautiful jar/brush holder. Great mixed media work! Thank you joining us at Scrap Africa!

  12. A stunning !!! mixmedia work, I love you created textures, details and colors ... fabulous !!
    Thank you very much for joining Scrap Africa !! :)

  13. piękny słoik!!! Thank you for taking part in Scrap Africa challenge :)

  14. Amazing!!! Thank you for joining us at Scrap Africa!!!

  15. Amazing creation Agnieszka. Beautiful arrangement of flowers and elements. Thank you for joining Scrap Africa August challenge. Join us again this month! Have a happy great scrappy crafty moments always!
    Hugs and smiles,
    Scrap Africa Design Team
    Qinaahana Arts & Crafts {My Personal Blog}


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